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Streamline Your Onboarding with Journey HR

Journey HR’s onboarding solution is designed to simplify the process for both new hires and HR teams. Our user-friendly Journey Central platform eliminates the need for stacks of paperwork, streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring a smooth transition for new employees.

This service is available at NO COST to all Journey clients. Request a quote to get started or learn more about all our HR services below!

Empower New Hires, Streamline Your Work


Seamless Integration with Payroll

Streamline your administrative tasks and reduce errors.

Customizable Documents

Tailor your onboarding process to your specific needs.

Employee Dashboards

Empower new hires with easy access to essential information.
group of people in a conference room

Make onboarding a breeze, a journey your new hires will love.

two people working on a couch, in a meeting

Experience a Paperless Process Designed for Efficiency

How it Works:

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Provide Initial Details

Share basic information about the new hire.

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Send Onboarding Link

Email the new hire a link to complete the necessary forms.
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Data Sync and Access

All information is automatically synced with your payroll system, and the new hire gains access to their employee dashboard.

Everything You Need for Onboarding, All In One Place


Core Onboarding Features

  • Essential Forms and Documents: W-4, I-9, direct deposit, customizable document library
  • Data Management: Electronic storage of all data, seamless integration with payroll

Employee Self-Service:

Employee self-service dashboard

Process Improvement

  • Streamlined policy updates
  • Easy document upload and review